Wednesday, June 24, 2015

I Thought Eating a Plant Based Diet was Supposed to Be GOOD for My Skin!!

I have been eating Whole Plant Based Foods for just about two months.  And starting sometime last week, my skin has been a mess!  I have never been a person who has suffered breakouts or acne or bad skin.  In that regard, I have been blessed.  But now... I look like the walking dead.  A zombie has better skin than I have.  People run with their children when they see me.  (LOL.. ok, I am exaggerating, but come on!!!)  I was perplexed because, of course, I have been doing a LOT of reading on switching to a whole foods plant based diet, and everyone touts the benefits to your skin.  Less wrinkles, clearer skin with a better skin tone... etc.  So last night, I did more research.  What did I find?  Take heart!  This is a GOOD thing, so says the author of the article I was reading. Apparently, I am making such good changes for my body that it is now purging itself of all the toxins I had stored up.  Supposedly, my skin will clear up and look better than ever. We'll see.  But at least I have hope now.

In other news, I am going to have to invest in a new scale.  The one I am using now is not digital, which makes for a difficult time in trying to determine my EXACT weight.  The stupid little needle jumps all over the place and the lines are so close together that sometimes I don't know which line it is actually on.  This is not helped by my poor vision. Not to mention that it doesn't tell you fractions of a pound.  So, yeah, I think that this weekend I will go buy a digital scale.  But, of course, I am afraid that the new scale won't be calibrated the same as the one I am using.  Such problems!  But I must weigh-in this weekend because it will be the end of my second month.

Lastly, I made my Modified Rice and Beans Bowl last night for dinner.  (See yesterday's blog.)  This is what it looked like...

The picture is a little blurry, but you get the idea.  It is a colorful plate of food, and yep, that is riced cauliflower (not actual rice)!  So the whole thing came to less than 300 calories!  And the cilantro dressing was so good.  It gave the cauliflower the same taste as the seasoned white rice at Chipotle.  

I am always on the lookout for new recipes to try, and I will always let you know about them when I do.  :-)

Happy HUMP DAY.  

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